raising Healthy Kids is here!!

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author, activist, father


I’m so glad you came to visit. You may be here because you want the best for yourself and your loved ones. That’s what has motivated me in my life to write books about food and products that will not contaminate us with toxins and to sue major companies—like Johnson & Johnson, Chicken of the Sea, and Procter and Gamble-- that are doing harm. We live in a chemical world. It’s a new world. It has new rules, ones that every health-conscious person and parent needs to know about and share with their own families and loved ones.

I’m a parent with hearts beating outside my body, too. In my new forthcoming book Raising Healthy Kids: Protecting Your Children from Hidden Chemical Toxins (Skyhorse Publishing, June 4, 2024), I share heartwarming, sometimes concerning stories about parents like you and me and how they have faced toxic adversity for themselves and their children. The lessons they have learned, together with our shared insights, shed light on how you can help your kids (and yourself) to achieve a higher level of personal health and growth than ever before.

On this website, I hope you will also take the time to get to know the Healthy Living Foundation, the nonprofit consumer-advocacy organization for which I am the chief officer, and read or listen to my journalism and other works in progress.

The empowering action steps that you need to know about to raise healthy kids are available in my new book. They will help you to protect your own health and, of course, your loved ones.


I am hard at work as a journalist and story teller, maybe in Louisiana, Ohio, New York, or someplace else, no doubt with my laptop and smartphone to document what I see. Not everything I witness makes it into my books. But some of it is worth sharing here.

The Healthy Living Foundation and Consumer Protection

  • How to be Smarter in the Fight Against Chemical Toxins

    Grassroots activism can trump Trump.


    Tonight you could curl up clinging to evil enemy of your health


    Here are all of the questions residents need to be asking.

Into the Anti-Toxics Movement? Visit the source.

From the author of Raising Healthy Kids: How to Protect Your Children

from the Hidden Chemical Toxins in Our Everyday Lives (Skyhorse Publishing, Fall 2023):

Diet for a Poisoned Planet, The Safe Shopper’s Bible, and Safe Trip to Eden…