Here’s why I tuned out Cable Media
In a time of lies, truth is a most precious commodity
I don’t know a lot about everything, I admit.
But I know something about fluoride.
I’ve studied and written about it.
I also know something about Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and why his endorsement probably turned the election.
I also know how cable news can get some of its mojo back.
And one of the critical changes we must see in the Democratic Party.
This is the thing about fluoride. When the big message during the last portion of the 2024 election at MSNBC and among other liberal news reporters and commentators became that fluoride is good and Kennedy is a quack, I became quite disgusted with their own brand of politically correct cancel culture. Well, they got it half right.
The truth is that at least several million Americans are at risk of excess fluoride exposure right now in 2024, and recent peer-reviewed and published studies suggest that chronic exposures reduce IQ in our children and future generations. I reported on the carcinogenicity of fluoride in 1995 in The Safe Shopper’s Bible. It isn’t the most powerful carcinogen around. Still, the evidence is strong enough to warrant a precautionary approach, especially because it was also found to cause tooth mottling, a condition known as fluorosis, among our children. Recommended levels were lowered in view of this risk. Now we know more about fluoride and need further action.
But that’s not all that we need. We need broader, more grassroots, health-oriented news coverage. We’re all tired of a diet of just inside-the-Beltway news coverage. Yes, we need that. But we need more, or we will tune you out.
Well, here’s where cable news bookers need to get out of their little world and visit the rest of us out here. I could have shared that safer substances like xylitol, for example, perform just as well as fluoride. Also, if your child uses fluoridated toothpaste or receives dental treatments, they don’t need it in their drinking water. This is some of the real story. We’re on a fluoride overload. But cable news shuts down people like me who know the truth.
How can I tune into news commentators who won’t find a way to get the truth out? And why should I? What else are they oversimplifying?
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After a year of interviewing some of the most heroic parents in America today, I’m delighted to announce copies of Raising Healthy Kids: Protecting Your Children from Hidden Chemical Toxins are available. Be sure to visit your independent bookseller to purchase your copy or